
So far, our group has been mostly interested in compounds with strong electronic correlations, unconventional superconductors and weird magnetic materials.

To study these materials, first you need to grow them. There is not one technique that works for every material. In our research, we use several methods like solution growth, Bridgman synthesis, electrosynthesis, and vapor transport. We also have expertise in Czochralski technique, and high-pressure synthesis. Once we have the materials, we study their properties.

Often, you want to modify them: you want to tune your compound. One way is to use chemical substitutions: you go back to the crystal growth and you change the stoichiometry. Another way, which we also use, is pressure. You apply pressure on the sample and you change its properties. We also use high magnetic field to probe the magnetic response of the sample.

Using all these techniques, we study these new materials with new properties.

Here is a selection of our current research interests (also check our publications):

unconventional superconductors

materials for quantum computing

quantum phase transitions

high performance magnets

materials property database and machine learning

energy materials (magnetocaloric materials, thermoelectric materials)

strongly correlated materials

competing magnetic interactions

new single crystal synthesis techniques

new high-pressure measurement techniques